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Android. Security and Privacy.

Blocking and unblocking contacts

Blocking contacts

You can stop receiving messages, calls and status updates from certain contacts by blocking them.

To block a contact:
  1. In WhatsApp, tap Menu > Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked contacts.
  2. Tap Add .
  3. Search for or select the contact you want to block.
Here are a couple alternative options for blocking a contact:
  • Open a chat with the contact, then tap Menu  > More > Block > BLOCK.
  • Open a chat with the contact, then tap the name of the contact > Block > BLOCK.
To block an unknown phone number:
  1. In WhatsApp, open the chat with the unknown phone number.
  2. Tap BLOCK.
  3. Tap BLOCK again.
    • If the message from the unknown phone number is spam, you have the option to tap REPORT AND BLOCK instead, which will report and block the number.
  • Messages, calls and status updates sent by a blocked contact won't show up on your phone and will never be delivered to you.
  • Your Last seen, online, status updates and any changes made to your profile photo will no longer be visible to contacts you've blocked.
  • Blocking a contact won't remove them from your contacts list, nor will it remove you from the list on the contact's phone. To delete a contact, you must delete the contact from your phone's address book.

Unblocking contacts

To unblock a contact:
  1. In WhatsApp, tap Menu  > Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked contacts.
  2. Tap the contact you want to unblock.
  3. Tap Unblock {contact}. You and the contact will now be able to send and receive messages, calls and status updates.
Alternatively, you can search for the contact you blocked > tap and hold the contact > tap Unblock {contact}.
  • If you unblock a contact, you won't receive any messages, calls or status updates the contact sent you during the time they were blocked.
  • If you unblock a contact or phone number that wasn't previously saved in your phone’s address book, you won't be able to restore that contact or phone number to your device.

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